The Clyde Docks Preservation Initiative - Protecting and promoting the evolving maritime heritage of the tidal River Clyde

Protecting and Promoting the Evolving Maritime Heritage of the Tidal River Clyde

The Core Aims and Vision of CDPI
Derelict Govan Graving dry dock Glasgow

Mission Statement

The mission of CDPI is to ensure that historic docks sites and other maritime artifacts on the Clyde are preserved and used sustainably in ways that benefit local communities and the maritime economy of the region. Both through direct activity and efforts to positively influence others with the necessary resources.
Our Core Strategic Aims
Preservation and promotion of maritime heritage and maritime assets
Creating meaningful opportunities for young people in heritage, leisure, tourism, skills preservation, maritime/marine industry, sustainable development and ecology
Facilitating economic and micro-enterprise opportunities built around or integrated into the protection and evolution of maritime heritage
Facilitating and/or collaborating in initiatives for education about the maritime and shipbuilding heritage of the Clyde
Creating an understanding of maritime heritage as being not just history and museums but more importantly also about contemporary and evolving culture, activity and technology

Our Approach

Our broad strategy is firmly rooted in social enterprise ethos and underpinned by addressing the current and future needs of young people and the local communities along the Clyde.

Our approach is built on outreach and collaboration but we are equally prepared to hold stakeholders and policy makers to account and to challenge failures to adequately address key issues of concern.

Our Core Aims & Vision
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